2UE Interviews AVM Peter Criss on Indexation

20 Sep 2011

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Air Vice Marshall Peter Criss was interviewed at 7.30 am this morning on the 2UE Jason Morrison Show.  


Jasons main reason for asking Peter to conduct an interview was that the Government can keep finding money to throw at a raft of issues, including refugees but cant find money to look after our retired servicemen.

He also touched on the Mike Kelly MPs letters with Peter emphasising that all we want is the same indexation as the age pensioners.

15 Sep 11 

AVM Peter Criss (retd) was interviewed by Jason Morrison again this morning.   Hear it here


Peter, a resolute advocate for the Fair Go Campaign, speaks about indexation, the new CPI indexation calculation being introduced by the ABS and other matters.

Minister for Defence Science and Personnel Warren Snowdon tells David Oldfield reports that 100 public service workers junket to Gallipoli have been overstated.
