15 Nov 2011


David Jamison, the National President of DFWA, in responding to Minister Snowdons commentary on the ADF Workplace Arrangement outcome announced yesterday, expressed disappointment that the Minister could describe the decision as a win-win deal for those involved because it was affordable for government while also fairly compensating workers in the defence force.

Affordable for the Government ? Yes, because it is less than the projected rise in living costs;

Fair ? – No, because it effectively strips ADF members of purchasing power.

Mr Snowdon also implies that ADF members had some say in the outcome when in fact, the decision was imposed on them despite 62% of those polled not supporting it.

David Jamison continued:

The Minister says: “We value the dedication of our service men and women, and the Workplace Remuneration Arrangement 2011-14 gives ADF Members a fair and responsible pay rise in recognition of their efforts and commitment”.

If the Minister believes that imposing a deal that will diminish their purchasing power values their dedication – then I would suggest ADF members cannot afford any more gratitude from the Government!!

Attached for further background to this Press Release is a copy of the Ministers Press Release and a Draft DFWA article being prepared for inclusion in the DFWA Magazine – Camaraderie – November edition. While in Draft the article fully canvasses the unacceptable process attached to the recent WRA Agreed Case Submission – in which the Minister apparently finds such pride.

Ministers Commentary 

Ministers Press Release

Draft Camaraderie Article

The Media Release from the DFWA cna be downloaded below

{rsfiles path=”Documents/2011/MediaReleases/DFWA/DFWA_MR_29Oct11_WRA.pdf”}