ADF WRA – Proof Positive The Voice of ADF Serving Members Was Heard!

11 Jun 2015


DFWA in its latest WRA Udate 11 June 2015 explains why.

Today’s Canberra Times Article by Noel Towell is certainly worth reading!

It not only succinctly summarises the minefield through which the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal had to tread to reach its final decision but highlights the Tribunal’s own view that credit for the Government’s double-barrelled rethink to its original unsatisfactory 1.5% pay offer is singularly due to the loud voices in protest that serving members raised by way of the DFWA survey conducted in November last year. A big congratulations to those who participated, meaning most Virtual members in receipt of this mailing.

What that suggests, all ADF members and their families do have a voice and, when mobilised on issues of concern, decision-makers in Parliament are left with little option but to listen and take notice. No better authority could be found than the DFRT itself to confirm this to be so.

The conclusion: Your DFWA tasked with looking after your conditions of service needs for that voice to grow!! A plea therefore as readers, please encourage your serving friends to also join you to be a Virtual member of our Association. Better still, please consider joining as a full member which will have the effect of making your voice heard even louder.

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DFWA as a pioneer member of ADSO lead ADSO and other supporters, namely Tony Dagger, Ray Martin and an active ADF spouses network in this Fair Go Campaign action to have the Government correct the unfair ADF pay deal.