Broken Promises

14 Jul 2013

Here is the latest poem from our warrior poet, George Manskord

Broken Promises
Have you heard the latest news?
Cross my heart, I swear its true
Its from an old digger who enlisted post WW2
For over thirty years he soldiered for me and you
By the way, all that time he paid compulsory super too
Never a dream that in old age he might sponge on you

I saw him just the other day
The Canberra mob had sent him a letter reference super pay
A four dollar increase for every seven days
But because Canberra supplemented what was now pitiful super pay
Two of the four dollars, the other hand slyly took away
Thus, to meet rising costs, a weekly increase of two dollars in pay

Many old soldiers are catching bus or train
With empty pockets they dream of a “Fair go” again and again
They recall firm handshakes and oaths given by Canberra Suits
Today, broken promises litter the scene and politicians quite mute
Masters of spin, they drive past in expensive limousines
Opulence, extravagance and shameful waste too often seen

Stunned by such betrayal I nearly forgot to say
Our elected reps receive regular and healthy increases in pay
How long before the magic day when we say enough is enough?
More so when many in Oz are doing it real tough
Lets clean up the litter of broken promises and deceit
On retribution day, go to the ballot box with boots on your feet

George Mansford©July 2013