
The Alliance of Defence Service Organisations (ADSO) is committed to the privacy of your personal information. ADSO will use any information submitted via this site to process your membership application/renewal and/or to provide its activities and services to you. Your personal information may be made available at its meetings for the purpose of nominating and accepting you as a new member.

ADSO may use your personal information to promote its events and services, which may include emailing and/or mailing promotional materials from the organisation.

You may access, update and amend your personal information at any time upon written request. Please contact one of the committee members if you have any questions regarding this Privacy Statement.

We understand and appreciate that visitors and users of this web site are concerned about their privacy and the confidentiality and security of any information that may be provided to us. The web server only records your visit and logs the following information for statistical purposes only; your address, your ISP, the date and time of your visit to the site, the pages accessed and documents downloaded, and the type of browser you use. We use the statistical information gathered to improve our web site’s performance and value. No attempt is or will be made to identify users except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the activity logs.

E-mail and comments submitted to this site will be treated as a public record and will be retained as required.

ADSO is not responsible for the privacy practices or content of other sites linked to or from this web site.

ADSO does not retain any credit/debit card information for transactions performed on the website.

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