IMPROVING the way veterans transition into civilian life will continue to be a major focus for the Coalition Government following the Federal Budget.
Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren Chester met with the Tasmanian veteran community at the annual RSL Tasmania State Congress.
“Transitioning to civilian life and finding meaningful employment post-service can be a challenge for some ADF personnel,” Mr Chester told the conference.
“We know the best type of support for our ex-service men and women is the economic independence that comes with a job.
“That’s why we are investing $8.3 million to further develop, promote and implement the Prime Minister’s Veterans’ Employment Program and to support veterans’ transition to civilian life.”
Mr Chester said of that funding $4.3 million will provide additional services to help and support veterans enter the broader workforce.
“The new Budget funding will deliver services to help veterans find employment by providing additional support with résumé and interview preparation, translating ADF skills into civilian competencies, as well as tailored mentoring and coaching services,” Mr Chester said.
“We need to change the conversation to recognise that while some veterans may need extra support when they leave the ADF, they all have transferable skills and many transition very successfully.
“I’ve seen up close the professionalism, the dedication, the leadership, the patriotism, and the pride in our nation. Now what employer wouldn’t want those skills in their workplace.”
19 May 2018