ADF Pay – People Power Works

5 Mar 2015

Relieved families say U-turn proves people power works

Anthony Galloway & Victoria Nugent – Townsville Bulletin report  5 March 2015

A RELENTLESS campaign by local defence families has delivered some much-needed relief after the Government backed down from its below-inflation pay offer.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott yesterday announced his Government would increase the pay offer for Defence Force personnel to 2 per cent, starting next pay day. It comes after local defence families bravely spoke out against the Government’s original offer of 1.5 per cent – which represented a pay cut in real terms – holding rallies from Townsville to Canberra.

Ray Martin, a former commander of the 1st Battalion who led the local campaign for a better pay deal, said it was good news for the Townsville defence community.

Townsville resident Rebeckah Costelloe, whose ­husband is in the Army, said the announcement proved people power worked.


ADSO Appreciation

Recognition is made of Mr Tony Dagger, a concerned ADF parent, who initiated his petition that achieved over 65,000 signatures and together with Ray Martin, Caycee Lewis, Rebeckah Costelloe, Sarah Lowe and ADF spouses in Townsville started the groundswell of support that gave a public voice for the ADF. Thank you to all who participated.