We have remained quiet while the question of the Voice was being addressed, but not idle.
Earlier this year, we wrote to Senators and Members of Parliament to again express our concerns, and several forwarded them to the Minister, the Hon Matt Keogh MP and the Shadow Minister, the Hon Barnaby Joyce MP on our behalf.
Independent ACT Senator David Pocock requested more information and subsequently posed some very pertinent questions on our behalf to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Defence in his letter to the Hon. Richard Marles MP, dated 24 August 2023.
The Hon Barnaby Joyce also posed some questions to the Minister, but they were off the mark. In our email to the Shadow Minister, we reminded him of what our concerns are and reiterated our request to meet with him.
Member for Indi, Dr Helen Haines also forwarded our concerns to the Minister, to which the Minister responded in his letter to Dr Haines, dated 10 September 2023. It was a template response we have already seen many times. Our reply is included in the letter to Dr Helen Haines, dated 15 October 2023.
We are now awaiting replies to this correspondence and are preparing to renew our push to have our concerns addressed in the new year.
Jim Hislop OAM