Shadow Parliamentary Secretary for Defence Gai Brodtmann has condemned the Abbott Government’s plan to create a two-tiered superannuation scheme for the ADF.
It follows the Abbott Government’s decision to cut the real pay of our servicemen and women.
From 1 July 2016 the existing superannuation scheme for serving ADF personnel will be closed to new members.
A specific superannuation fund for ADF personnel will replace it, to be known as ADF Super.
Under ADF Super, the Government contribution rate will be 15.4 per cent, increasing to 18 per cent for those engaged in war-like operations.
“There are significant concerns that this will undermine the team ethos of the ADF,” Ms Brodtmann said.
“The Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin, raised concerns with the Government’s approach at Senate Estimates.”
“My preference would be to try and do a flat rate which is a mid-point that actually doesn’t have the clunkiness between the war-like operations and the peacetime.” Chief of the Defence Force, Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin – Senate Estimates – 25 February 2015
“The Defence Force Welfare Association has criticised the Abbott Government over its lack of consultation on the new scheme.
“The consultation has more been information sessions on what the administration is coming up with rather than listening” David Jamison, President of the Defence Force Welfare Association – ABC Radio – 25 February 2015
“This is yet another example of the Abbott Government ignoring the concerns of our servicemen and women and comes after it delivered a real wage cut to ADF personnel.”
Friday, 27 February 2015
Media Contact: Claire Wheton 0422 370 036