When will you get your facts correct Minister Snowdon???
In his answer to this question from Peter Slipper in Question Time (17 June) “… the Prime Minister promised to meet with the leadership of the Alliance of Defence Service Organisations to outline the governments possible solutions to the issue of unfair indexation of military superannuation pensions. I understand the ADSO leadership has been repeatedly told the Department of Finance and Deregulation is supposed to give input. When is the input expected, and when will this meeting with the ADSO leadership take place?”
the Veterans Minister Snowdon not only failed to answer the question but read from a script on why military superannuation pensions should not be indexed fairly.
In doing this he again exposed his false interpretation of the facts of the matter that have been pointed out to him and his staff numerous times.
It is astounding that he and his Government colleagues do not want to understand that the only reason to index any taxpayer-funded pension, whether a welfare pension or a defined benefits superannuation pension, is to maintain its purchasing power. How can they claim that the PBLCI/CPI/MTAWE indexation regime is necessary so the age pension can keep up with cost of living increases while in the same breath say that CPI indexation is OK for military superannuation pensions to keep up with identical cost of living increases? The purposes of the two types of pension are quite different but the reasons to index each are exactly the same – to maintain purchasing power. They cannot continue to have it both ways.
Read ADSOs Media Release here