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Tony Dagger
Sydney, NSW
24 Nov 2014
Last weekend I travelled to Townsville to speak at the first community rally organised to support our goal of getting this unfair pay offer reviewed at the highest levels of Government. I presented a copy of the petition to the Townsville Mayor Jenny Hill.
The day was an outstanding success with great attendance as well as media coverage both newspaper and local Queensland Television news. (ABC/CH7/Win).
Yesterday I sent emails to the prime minister along with all the other party leaders of the Australian parliament explaining that I was proposing to travel to Canberra on Monday next week to present the petition to the Prime Minister (or his designated representative), and also to present any other party leader or representative outside of the Government with copies of the petition.
It would be awesome to have 25,000 signatures to handover. We are currently at 23,600 and still growing, but with some concerted effort I am sure we can hit or exceed 25,000 by Monday next week.
Please keep up your effort and engagement and share and encourage others to sign the Petition.
Thanks everyone