2014 Defence Workplace Remuneration Arrangement
The Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL) has considered Australian Defence Force (ADF) wage offer for service men and women. The RSL cannot support the proposal as it currently stands for consideration by the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal.
The RSL cannot support any outcome from the current Workplace Remuneration Arrangement (WRA) round that does not protect the value of ADF Remuneration, especially where this will involve trade-offs of other conditions of service.
We seek an outcome that supports the special nature of defence service in determining all conditions of service for members of the ADF, and we express our disappointment for a proposal which involves the trading-off of leave (and other conditions) for pay rises which are less than CPI.
The RSL has registered our concerns with the Defence Force Remuneration Tribunal and will present our views before the DFRT Hearing this week.
Media Release
14 October 2014
For more information contact: John King on 02 6248 7199 or [email protected]