Senate Inquiry into DFRDB On Thursday 20 May 2021 – Open Hearings

18 May 2021

The Senate FADT Reference Committee conducting the Inquiry into DFRDB will be conducting an Open Hearing on Thursday, 20 May 2021, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM.

This is an inquiry into the accuracy of information provided to Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits (DFRDB) members.

Witnesses appearing at the hearing will be:

9.00 am, Ken Stone, Independent Advocate, (Submission 22)

9.45 am, Herb Ellerbock, ADFRA, (Submission 36)

10.30 am, Break

10.45 am, Kel Ryan, DFWA (Submission 54) Via videoconference

11.15 am, TBA, Department of Defence (Submission 39)

TBA, Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (Submission 50)

12.00 pm, Commonwealth Ombudsman (Submission 52) Via videoconference

12.30 am, Adjurnment

On the day of the hearing, a live broadcast of proceedings will be available via the ‘Watch, Read, Listen’ page on the Australian Parliament House website:

The submissions to the Inquiry, which have been posted to date, may be viewed on: