ADSO and other Veterans’ Organizations and individuals have voiced their concern at the dual appointment of The Hon Stuart Robert as the Minister for Veterans Affairs and the Minister for Human Services in the new Turnbull Government Ministry.
The President of the VVFA , James Wain, has written this letter to the Prime Minister dated 22 September 2015 which states the concern.
Dear Prime Minister,
The Hon Stuart Robert has been made the Minister for Veterans Affairs and the Minister for Human Services. We note that his military background will be an asset in helping him to get across Veterans issues.
However being responsible for two portfolios concerns us. Sections of the government and some other organisations have for years advocated the disbanding of the Department of Veterans Affairs with its responsibilities taken over by the Department of Human Services (or its predecessors).
We note too, that the Hon Dr Peter Hendy has been promoted to Assistant Minister for Productivity. When Chief Executive, Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Dr Hendy promoted a paper meant to influence government policy titled Commonwealth Spending (and Taxes) Can Be Cut — And Should Be. The paper advocated that the Department of Veterans Affairs be disbanded with disabled war veterans and war widows administered by various departments such as Welfare and Health.
We would appreciate an assurance that an amalgamation of the two departments is not contemplated.
Yours faithfully,
James Wain