This ADSO Update announces the general release of a new video that brilliantly captures the injustice of Unfair Indexation for current and former members of the ADF. The Video was created independently by retired Colonel Ray Martin with the full support of the ADSO Fair Go Campaign.
Watch the video here.
The video is addressed to the Members of the 43rd Parliament of Australia with a direct challenge to them to do the honourable thing. The YouTube link was specially released to every sitting member of the House of Representatives and the Senate on 3 April to provide them the courtesy of viewing the clip before the general release today.
You may be interested to learn that at the time of making this public release fewer than 53 of the current 226 members of Parliament (or their staff) have bothered to spend 6 minutes of their time to watch it. This sends a very clear message about the level of interest and concern our Parliamentarians have for the Military Family.
We will be distributing the video link widely to all media in Australia.
We must get this video into full viral circulation around Australia and we need your help to do that.
This is what we ask you to do.
1. Please watch the video as soon as possible. It only takes 6 minutes of your time.
2. Then send this message with the YouTube link to every contact in your address book. This is a video that deserves to be seen by every person in the Nation who calls themselves Australian. Also add it your facebook page where you have one.
3. Contact your local MP and State Senators, preferably face to face, but if not, then by phone or email or fax. Ask them the following questions (as appropriate), and dont accept unsatisfactory fob-off answers:
• Have you watched the video clip that was sent to you from the Alliance of Defence Service Organisations via an email link on 3 April?
• If not, will you give a personal commitment to watch the video, and get back to me with your intentions after you have watched it?
• If you have watched the video, what have you done about it, or what do you intend to do about it?
Regarding Action 2 above, here are some sobering mathematics:
• There are approximately 16,000 ADSO members who have email capability;
• If each of them forwards this message to just 4 of their contacts on email, 64,000 people would see the video;
• If each of those contacts forwards this email to just 4 of their contacts, 256,000 people would see the video;
• From there, there would be no stopping the viral circulation of this important message and it would have a profound effect on the future actions of members of our Parliament.
So, what are you going to do? You can choose to not lift your fingers, and let yourself and your mates down,
You can choose to do the honourable thing and help get this video to every corner of the Country.
Lets do this together
All for One and One for All!